San Diego 2023

Michelle Gielan has spent the past decade researching the link between happiness and success. She is the bestselling author of Broadcasting Happiness: The Science of Igniting and Sustaining Positive Change and was named one of the Top 10 authors on resilience by the Harvard Business Review.Michelle is an Executive Producer of “The Happiness Advantage” on PBS and a featured professor in Oprah’s Happiness course. She formerly served as anchor of The CBS Morning News, and her research has received attention from dozens of media outlets including The Washington Post, FORBES, and The New York Times.
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A woman with dark, curly hair and sunglasses on her head is smiling and applauding in an audience at an event. She is seated in front of a laptop, and other attendees can be seen in the blurred background, also engaged in the event.

The quality of the breakout sessions, panels, and keynote speakers are the best of any conference I’ve attended.

HR Director

National University

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